
Are you close to finishing that book that’s been in your head for months? Maybe years? It’s really itching to get out into the world. You can feel it!

Or maybe you’ve finished your book and you have your ebook for sale on Amazon already. If that’s the case, congratulations! *high five*

Publishing an ebook on Amazon is by far the easiest way to get your book out into the world (like their questionable ethics or not).

An ebook can be put together fairly easily by anyone who’s a little tech-savvy – but best practices are of course important. Print books are a different animal, though. You may have found out along the way how much more is involved in making a print book look better (or even not shit). Chances are you’ve thrown in the towel more than once.

You have to know about margins and colour separations and resolution.

Not to mention…

  • What fonts look best together?
  • What size should they be?
  • And how do you make it look like it wasn’t thrown together in Word or Pages or Google Docs in 10 minutes flat?

I feel you. I’ve been a designer for 25 years and I often see self-published books that look… well, self-published. And it makes me sad because people don’t take them as seriously. They are judged as less-than.

I want better for your book.

I want your book to be a shining beacon of your expertise.

I want your book to reflect your passion and dedication to your craft.

I want your book to do you PROUD! 

AND I don’t want you to pay thousands of £$€ for it
(unless you choose to).

I want to share with you what I’ve learned from designing books for print without making you roll your eyes or tear your hair out.

If you are set on DIY-ing it, I’ve got just the course for you!

How To Make Your Self-Published Book Not Look Shit


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